Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) announced on Friday that it is allowing advertising on school buses, opening up investment opportunities for school bus operators.
The initiative aims to capitalize on advertising space on and off school buses, providing an additional revenue stream for school bus operators.
However, these advertisements must adhere to strict standards and requirements to ensure suitability for placement and to safeguard the rights and protect the safety of students.
Adel Shakri, Director of Planning and Business Development at RTA Public Transport, outlined the advertising standards and requirements that need to be adhered to: The advertisements must be suitable for students and comply with UAE laws, local ethics and codes of conduct. The content of the advertisements must be approved by Dubai Municipality and an advertising license needs to be obtained through the Roads and Transport Authority's website.
He added: "On-board advertising screens should be placed behind the driver to prevent distraction, and no advertisements should obscure doors or emergency exits. Advertisements on the exterior of the bus should not obscure the 'School Bus' logo or obstruct the driver's view, especially on the rear glass."