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Even Dubai's billionaires are taking the metro to work

life in dubai

Dubai's Unprecedented Heavy Rainfall Forces Even Billionaires to Take the Metro to Work

On Tuesday, Dubai authorities encouraged residents to work from home amidst the city's unprecedented heavy rainfall.

Rizwan Sajan in metro

However, for those who needed to commute to the office, they recommended the use of Dubai's metro system.

Many Dubai residents heeded the authorities' advice and opted to take the Dubai Metro. Among them was Dubai billionaire and founder/chairman of Danube Group, Rizwan Sajan. The rare heavy rainfall in Dubai prompted even billionaires to resort to using the metro for their daily commute. He posted on instagram with the caption, ""When you have the will, you will always find a way to make it happen. Went to office by metro due to heavy rain.

The unexpected downpour caused disruptions across the city, with flooded roads and traffic congestion making commuting by car nearly impossible. In response, many residents chose the metro as a more reliable and efficient means of transportation.

The scenes of affluent individuals, including billionaires, riding the metro alongside other commuters underscored the exceptional nature of the weather event and its impact on daily life in Dubai.

While Dubai is known for its desert climate and minimal rainfall, occasional heavy showers can occur, causing challenges for the city's infrastructure and residents. The willingness of even the wealthiest individuals to adapt to alternative transportation methods highlights the resilience and adaptability of Dubai's residents in the face of unforeseen circumstances.


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