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During a phone-in interview on UTV's United Showbiz on May 4, 2024, the host, MzGee, found herself at odds with popular Ghanaian rapper Medikal. The rift stemmed from what Medikal perceived as irrelevant questioning by the celebrated host.

Just days prior, on May 3, Medikal had achieved a significant milestone in his career with a sold-out show at London's prestigious O2 Indigo arena. His success garnered attention from international media outlets such as the BBC.

However, during the interview, Medikal felt aggrieved by MzGee's line of inquiry. He believed that the focus should have been on his recent triumph at the O2 arena, a feat that serves as a benchmark for aspiring and established musicians alike. He expressed his frustration, stating, "We shouldn't talk about things which will make the headlines because we are already making the headlines."

Rapper Medikal
popular Ghanaian rapper, medikal

The interview took a personal turn when MzGee attempted to delve into Medikal's personal life, including his recent hints at a possible divorce via his Twitter account. Medikal felt that such topics were unwarranted and inappropriate for discussion during the interview.

In a bid to redirect the conversation, Medikal questioned MzGee about his own personal life, asking if he was still with his first boyfriend. This move seemed to highlight his discomfort with the intrusive nature of the questioning and perhaps served as a form of retaliation.

Overall, Medikal's frustration with the interview stemmed from what he perceived as a failure to acknowledge and discuss his professional achievements, particularly his successful performance at the O2 arena. Instead, the interview veered into personal territory, which he deemed irrelevant and unwelcome.


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